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Middleware | permissions and roles

Almost every table has buttons or date values that you want to format or add classses to. With datatables you can use Field classes. The field classes create the buttons or format the date, currency etc. for you.

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Using laravel policy permissions

When using laravel policies you can pass the model as a second parameter. When passing model the middleware replaces the stirng with the actual resource. Checkout the docs of the Middleware Field

Middleware::make('id')->permission('edit', 'model')->role('admin')->wrap(function(){

Middleware::make('id')->permission('create', 'App\User')->role('admin')->wrap(function(){

Field permissions

To filter the table with permissions you can use the permissions method

In the example we will use a button for editing a user

    //permission `edit users`
    Button::make('id')->permission('edit users')->route('...')
    //permission `edit users` or the role `admin`
    Button::make('id')->permission('edit users')->role('admin')->route('...')
    //permission `edit users` or the permission `view users`
    Button::make('id')->permission('edit users|view users')->route('...')
    //permission `edit users` and the permission `view users`
    Button::make('id')->permission('edit users,view users')->route('...')
    //permission `edit users` and the permission `view users` or the permission `create users`
    Button::make('id')->permission('edit users,view users|create users')->route('...')

Field roles

To filter the table with roles you can use the role method

    //role `admin`
    //permission `edit users` or the role `admin`
    Button::make('id')->permission('edit users')->role('admin')->route('...')
    //role `admin` or the role `maintainer`
    //role `admin` and the role `maintainer`
    //role `admin` and the role `maintainer` or the role `superuser`

Field wrapper

If you really want to prevent users from reading data that they are not allowed to see, you can use the Middleare field. It removes the data completely from the data source.

You can use the exact same filters as shown above

Middleware::make('id')->permission('edit users')->role('admin')->wrap(function(){
    return [

When the user does not have the permission edit users the ID column will be removed from the source

    id : null, //The ID column is removed
    name : 'John Doe',
    email :,