Laravel XML Reader & Writer

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Exporting data to XML

An easy way to export your data to XML is using the XML::export method. This method can load views or translate arrays to XML.

Base Methods

Some important methods you need to know about.

Exporting arrays

To export a array to xml you need to use the export() method.

$data = [
    'file' => [
            'name' => 'file1',
            'type' => 'pdf',
            'name' => 'file2',
            'type' => 'png',
            'name' => 'file3',
            'type' => 'xml',

$xml = XML::export($data)

This produces the following xml as a string

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

If you want to save it as a file simply replace toString() with toFile("/my/path/file.xml")

Exporting a array without keys

Version 2 of the package makes it possible to export simple arrays that do not have keys.

$data = [

$xml = XML::export($data);

Would create

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Changing the name

If you want to change to item name set it using ->itemName($name).

$data = [

$xml = XML::export($data)

Would create

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using a custom and name.

By default the default item name is based on a singular case of the root tag. If the root tag is “root” we will use “item” as the default item name.

If you are using a custom root tag like “files” we would set the default item name to “file”. To set your own item name use ->itemName($name) and then ->forceItemName().

$data = [

$xml = XML::export($data)

Would create

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
$data = [

$xml = XML::export($data)

Would create

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Exporting views

To export a view simply call exportView($viewName, $data = [])

$xml = XML::exportView('my-view', [])

Pretty output

By default, the exported XML will be minified. To get the XML in a pretty format pass true to the toString() method. Or you can use usePrettyOutput() when using the toFile() method.

$xml = XML::export($data)