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The link class replaces a value from the results with an default html a tag.

Go back to fields

Below is an example on how to generate a default html link.

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')

The link field can be extended with a lot of available methods. Such as classes and routes.


Add dom classes to the link

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->class('btn btn-primary'),
// <a class="btn btn-primary"></a>


Add dom classes to the link

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->icon('material-icons', optional 'edit'),
// <a> <i class="material-icons">edit</i> </a>

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->icon('fa fa-edit'),
// <a> <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> </a>


Add an route to the link. The link will automatic redirect the user to the given route when clicked. Variables can be passed directly from the results

Link::make('name')->route('users.edit', optional 'id'),
// <a href=""> </a>
Link::make('name')->route('users.edit', ['id', 'status' => 'status_id']), //arrays can also be passed
// <a href=""> </a>

By default the package handles the routes passed to the route method. In some cases you want to prevent the click on the a. In that case you can add the class ‘prevent’ tot the field. The package will ignore all get clicks.

Link::make('name')->class('prevent')->route('users.edit', 'id'), //will ignore the clicks on the 

Change target window

The target method can be used to open a blank window. It depends on the route method

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->target('blank'),

// <a href=""> </a>

Add label

The label method can be used to add a label to the link

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->label('Edit user'),

// <a href="...">Edit user</a>

//The label method also accepts table columns.
Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->label('id')
// <a href="...">12</a>

Full example

Link::make('name')->route('', 'id')->class('btn btn-warning')->icon('fa fa-edit')->label('Edit user')->target('blank');

<a class="btn btn-warning" href=""> <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit user</a>