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Field classes can be used to change the behaviour of the columns.

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Available fields


Below is a simple example on how to render fields for your table tableModel.

In this example we are going to add an edit button and format a date string. Always add the field classes to the fields method inside your tableModel.

public $columns = [

public function fields() : array
    return [
        // This will replace the value id with this button. The button will be clickable and has an icon and 2 classes
        Button::make('id')->icon("fa fa-edit")->class('class1 class2')->route('my-route.edit', 'id'),
        //This will replace the created_at value with an formatted value. The format will be day-month-year hour:minutes
        Date::make('created_at')->format('d-m-Y H:i')

Default options

Field classes share a few default methods that can be used to extend the elements with attributes.

Label::make('...')->class('class1 class2')
Date::make('...')->class('class1 class2')

//<label class="class1 class2">...</label>


Extends element with classes

Label::make('...')->class('class1 class2 class3')

//<label class="class1 class2 class3">...</label>


By default the value of the make method is used to display the data. You can overwrite this to show other data. In the example below, we will display the updated_at value in the created_at column row.


//<label>`created_at` 2019-01-31 ....</label>


//<label>`updated_at` 2019-01-31 ....</label>


When using permissions, sometimes you want to hide data from certain users. You can use a filter for this or use the condition method.

//Display the created_at value if the updated_at value is not null
Label::make('created_at')->condition('updated_at !== null')


By default when a value or relation is missing, the response will be null (white space).

Label::make('')->returnWhenEmpty("Role not found")


The before method can be used to display text or icons before the value is displayed.

Label::make('')->before('Role : ') // Role : Administrator


The before method can be used to display text or icons before the value is displayed.

Label::make('temperature')->after('degrees') // 19 degrees


The title method can be used for tooltips or just the title element.

Label::make('name')->title('Name of the user', optional 'tooltip')
//<label title="Name of the user" data-toggle="tooltip">John Doe</label>