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The number field can be used to format numbers or sum relation values or multiple values.

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Format as currency

The most well-known problem is to format a currency. Use the currency method to format to currency values.

Number::make('price')->asCurrency(optional 2, optional '.', optional ',');

// 1,000.00

Number::make('price')->asCurrency(2, ',', '.');


Decimal format

To format a number to decimals.

Number::make('number')->format(optional 2);

// 1000.00

Return raw number

To format a number to decimals.


// 1000

You can also sum multiple columns and format it with the above methods.

Sum columns

To sum multiple columns from the results. Don’t use it to count relation or multiple values.

Number::make('...')->sum('price1', 'price2', 'price3')->asCurrency();

// 1,000.00

Sum relation or multiple values

Can be used to sum columns in relations or multiple values

//sums the price and tax of every product
Number::make('products')->sumEach('price', 'tax')->asCurrency();

// 1,000.00